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Childcare jobs in Hitchin, Hertfordshire

Are you looking for a full time childcare job in Hitchin, Hertfordshire?

If you are looking for childcare jobs in Hitchin then first of all follow these few simple steps;

  1. Ensure your CV is up to date
  2. Research local nurseries in the Hitchin area
  3. Look on Childcare job websites
  4. Email or post your current CV with a cover letter to the nurseries in the area

Early Years Careers contacted a nursery in the Hitchin area of Hertfordshire to gather some information on what it is they look for in a successful candidate

Kinders Mill Day Nursery

Kinders Mill Day Nursery is an Ofsted outstanding setting, the very popular nursery provides exceptional care to children from 6 weeks to 5 years. What makes Kinders Mill Day nursery so special is the quality and commitment from the team. When recruiting the utmost care is taken to recruit the right person, and according to Kinders Mill Day nursery the ideal person must show enthusiasm for the role, be creative, have an empathetic nature, a good team player, be child focused and finally be ambitious.

Depending on your qualification will depend on the types of childcare roles you will be able to apply for. To apply for the right Childcare jobs in Hitchin, Hertfordshire ensure you have the right qualifications and skills needed, however if you only have level 2 qualification contact the nursery to see if they will allow you to progress onto doing your level 3. After speaking to Kinders Mill Day Nursery ideally they only recruit level 3 but will accept a good level 2 applicant especially if they wish to progress to level 3.

Many nurseries along with Kinders Mill Day Nursery express their difficulties in being able to recruit good quality dedicated staff with a level 3 (or even level 2) qualification. This is due to government’s stipulation in candidates having to have a C or above in English or Maths to be counted in level 3 ratios. The government have since removed the restriction allowing student to study for a level 3 course but they must study GSCE Maths and English alongside and gain a C or above on completion of their level 3 to count in ratio. However for employees this is causing an impact and there are now so many higher level course available that students are opting for.

Manager from Kinders Mill Day Nursery feels very strongly about this and she says

This has an impact in several ways; it stops good ‘caring’ nursery nurses from entering the sector if they cannot get a C grade in maths. It encourages people to take higher qualifications without necessarily having the practical experience to back them up. People with a higher qualification are often not happy to start their career as a nursery nurse and it is not sensible to have people in more senior positions that do not have the practical knowledge and understanding based on a thorough grounding as a nursery nurse / room senior. Having a theoretical knowledge and understanding of the EYFS is not the same as working with it on a day to day basis

The Right Grades To Apply for Childcare
Jobs In Hitchin?

So once again when looking for your ideal job do you have the right grades to apply, or will you have to return to studying to get those grades?

Are you looking for Childcare jobs in Hitchin, Hertfordshire that will allow you to climb up the ladder, it is always a good idea to look at your options that are available and see if there is scope to progress within the job you apply for.

Some applicants may prefer the apprenticeship route as this will give them hands on experience whilst also earning a wage. There is also the possibility that once you have completed your apprenticeship course the childcare provider may offer you a job. At Kinders Mill Day Nursery they usually have two or three apprentices working with them at any time. However making grade C in maths and English compulsory has made it much more difficult to find suitable candidates. Kinder Mill Day Nursery like having ‘home grown’ level three staff as they can have an impact on the quality of the training and mentoring that they receive.

Whatever choice you make on the job front, make sure you are happy and enjoying your new venture.

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To read more about Kinders Mill Day Nursery click here

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