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Why parent partnerships are so important

How to evidence parent partnerships

Parent partnerships are key to a successful early years experience for children and for them to gain the most out of their early education and reach expected levels of development. This responsibility usually falls to the key person to ensure an effective relationship is built and to share information at the beginning and end of the day and also at various other points such as meetings to discuss development. There are many reasons why parent partnerships are so important for the child and it is for this reason that Ofsted will often require evidence that parent partnerships are taking place. They will also gather evidence on this by speaking to parents at the beginning of the day on drop off or the end of the day on collection

Why are parent partnerships so important?

There are many other benefits to parent partnerships and all daily practice should be based around this. Every setting will do things in a different way and there is no right or wrong way to build relationships with parents. Many settings choose to create a parent parentship policy detailing the many ways their setting manages this.

How to evidence parent partnerships

Some of the ways settings choose to build parent partnerships and evidence this include:

There are many other ways to build parent partnerships and all are important to ensuring the best possible outcomes for the child are reached.

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