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Early support from mothers helps children’s maths development

Early support from mothers helps children maths development

A recent longitudinal study suggests that early support from mothers, especially around early years, gives children a better achievement in maths. The study observed how mothers interacted with children as they play with a toy till, they assessed how mothers supported the child during this type of play.  

It has been suggested from the study that children who are supported by mothers in labeling quantities perform better in maths tests in preschool.

As many of us know that children can count from 1 to 10, this is often known as rote counting. When rote counting, many children do not fully understand the meaning of the numbers they are counting, for example if asked what comes after 5 they will often say the incorrect number.  To help children fully understand the meaning of the numbers they are counting, it is more beneficial to provide children with objects and ask them question such as how many objects there are in a group. 

Results from the study suggest that maternal support, that focuses on numerical skills, can boost children’s early maths; having an effect on the child’s future maths achievements.

How do the parents at your setting get involved with supporting early maths skills?

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