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Are you joining in National Science Week?

Why not join in this educational week learning all about science?

National Science week runs from the 10th-19th March, this year the theme is Change. By joining in this week it will help encourage children to learn more about different concepts of science, e.g., changes in the environment from seasons to climates, to materials to energy. 

It is often the case that activities/ experiences around science can often be forgotten in the early years and other areas of learning are primarily focused upon, when in fact, introducing science is important for young children.  In early years it is about supporting children in discovering science through play. When out in the garden look for conversations around the change in seasons or talk about what the weather is like today. 

During this National Science week, National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) are encouraging nurseries across the UK to stage a mass fizzy rocket. On the 14th March, children will be able to use their homemade rockets they have made at nursery and stand back and watch it launch into the air. This simple but effective activity can be extended further, for example, children can experiment in using different sized bottles, different amounts of water and the amount of effervescent tablet.

To download a free resources pack click here and for some science ideas click here

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