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Overcoming Parent in Partnership Barriers

Overcoming the barriers faced in parent partnerships

Creating strong parent partnerships has always been an incredibly important aspect of the early year’s foundation stage and a central aspect of ensuring a child can reach their full potential. However, parents are becoming increasingly busier with often both parents working so these partnerships may not be as strong as they could be.

It is time practice changed, and practitioners and settings became more flexible in their approach. More should be done to build fantastic parent partnerships. It is no longer enough to offer a parents evening once a year and feedback in the morning and evening. This doesn’t build strong enough relationships or give children the confidence, support, and continuity they need to settle fully, actively learn, explore and discover.

What are the barriers?

Unfortunately, there are many barriers that are faced when trying to build parent partnerships:

Why is it important to overcome these barriers?

Successful parent partnerships are important to ensure the child gains the most positive early learning experiences. Continuity is crucial during the early years, so it is important practitioners can mimic the child’s home routine within the setting. Continuity is also important regarding having shared realistic expectations for the child. Some parents may have their expectations set too high whereas others may be unsure what their child should be achieving. Having regular discussions around development and behavior are important for gaining shared expectations and continuity for the child. It is also important to overcome these barriers and to build good relationships so that the child can feel safe and secure while in the setting. If they see their parents are talking to their key person, it makes a child feel better and more able to build a relationship. Security is important so a child can explore the environment and meet learning goals.

Ways to overcome the barriers –

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