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Supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disability.

special educational needs and disability

Supporting children with Special Education Needs and Disability during the festive period

Children with SEND find it difficult to deal with change, during the festive period children are not necessarily in their normal routine of going to school etc, this can cause children to become very anxious and unsettled.

Below are some reasons why it can be so stressful for them and recommendations from professionals to help support the child and their families.

Why would the festive season cause anxiety?

The festive period causes a change of routine as children are all home from school, this may cause children with SEND to become anxious.

The best thing is to make sure they are made aware of the activities they will be doing that week. Creating a timetable for them to look at beforehand will help them anticipate what will be going on.

 As it is a festive season there are usually dress up days and activities that stray from the normal timetable. Children with SEND may feel uncomfortable as they find it difficult to understand why the staff are dressing up. Christmas figures such as Santa Clause and his elves can be daunting for children with SEND, therefore you need to explain to them why people dress up and tell them about this festive season so they know what to expect and why.

Sensory overload

Many children with SEND can be sensitive to noise and flashing lights, this is another way the festive season can overwhelm them as there are usually parties or Christmas light switch ons etc. Try to receive information from the parents about this as it should not be sprung upon them.

Strategies to support children with SEND

The best way to ensure children with SEND have a positive time at nursery is to plan ahead. This puts them at ease and helps them create coping mechanisms. You can also inform parents so the can reinforce at home what will happen over the festie period that is different.

Before doing a festive activity, like watching a play, talk to children with SEND about what to expect. You can show them photos or act it out to them so they know whats coming..

Reflecting on practice

It is important to involve parents and plan ahead using the above strategies to create the best outcome for the children.

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