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The importance of giving children a voice

Giving children a choice is so important in the early years and this is reflected through the EYFS documents. Not only does it support best practice and show you are promoting the EYFS outcomes, meeting the every child matters outcomes but also shows you are meeting children’s rights. Allowing children to have a voice is stated as basic rights by United Nations and it highlights the importance of giving children a voice.

Giving children a voice promotes self esteem and self worth. By giving children a voice through choice, opinion, feelings and emotions children can develop and learn that they are important and valued. Feeling valued plays a large role in how a child learns. In order for them to play and explore, actively learn and critically think the need to feel confident in their environment and have the knowledge that their voice and way of explorations will be noted. There are many ways practitioners can give children a voice a few of these are stated below. Could you incorporate any of these into your early years setting to show you value each individual and their voice?

We hope some of these suggestions will help you in your everyday practice.

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