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Training your staff on The Prevent Duty and British Values

The importance of training your staff on The Prevent Duty and British Values

Ensuring all your staff are aware of both The Prevent Duty and the British Values is imperative, It is not just about sitting staff in front of a laptop and getting them to read about these topics it is more about getting them to research them and implement the information they have found in their everyday practice.

It has come apparent in recent Ofsted inspections that it is not just about displaying positive images and having books in your book corner to complement positive images it is more about enhancing children’s learning experiences. Ofsted inspectors are looking for how practitioners use their knowledge gathered from research to enhance children’s learning experiences, for example, setting up a role play demonstrating the many different ways people get married in different countries, providing these experiences will allow children to understand the different traditions in different countries.

During an Ofsted inspection, practitioners and managers will be questioned about the Prevent Duty and what it is and how procedures are implemented in everyday practice. It is easy to remember the words eg racialisation but actually understanding what it means is far more important, therefore when training staff ask them what these words actually mean. Practitioners must be confident in answering the questions and give examples of how these are promoted in everyday practice, for example, logging children’s attendance is part of The Prevent Duty as well as observing children’s behaviour and logging a concern if there is a change in behaviour.

Actively promoting the British Values is far easier than you think, it is not about displaying pictures of the queen and talking about landmarks in London. It is about actively promoting your values eg sharing, turn taking, listening to other views, celebrating children’s traditions and festivals. Again Ofsted will be looking for how these are promoted in practice and they will ask staff questions around this subject.

There are many different ways of training staff on both The prevent Duty and British values. Making it interactive can have a positive effect rather than sitting in front of a computer reading some material that they may not actually understand. Why not turn your training sessions into fun exercises and get practitioners to think of the many different ways to actively promoting the British values.

Why not purchase this powerpoint presentation to use at your next staff meeting.

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