Could you do with some advice on how to save your childcare setting some money?

Do you find yourself spending a considerable of money each month and then thinking about how you could save yourself a few pennies? Saving your childcare setting a few pounds each month could help you to buy them few extra resources or putting it towards a larger scale project.
Try these few suggestions on ways to help save money;
- Buy produces local
Buying products from local producers can help you build that relationship which you will be able to use to your advantage as you may be able to get a better deal on your fruits and vegetables. Larger companies have set prices whereas your local greengrocers may be able to give you products at reduced rates.
- Reducing the quantity of paper
Think about going paperless, this may, at first, be difficult but why not email parents a newsletter instead of printing them off and handing them out. You could still put a paper copy up in reception for parents to read if they don’t have access to emails.
- Use technology more
Look at what takes up a lot of your time and try to source software to help reduce your time and money. Having all your information on a nursery management software can help everyone source up to date information quicker, saving them valuable time in searching for them details in a folder.
- Use more online presence
If you have a childcare website and social media sites, don’t be afraid to use these more and if advertising for a childcare job don’t waste money by advertising in newspapers or on leaflets. Be wise and use the source where most peoples are going to see the advert. Social media and online presence are what most people use nowadays to search for what they are looking for.
- Put figures down on paper
Instead of keeping all the figures in your head write them down so these become visible to see. It is more effective when you are able to see the childcare setting running costs. This will enable you to see where you are spending money on and where you will be able to save some money.
- Shop around for cheaper prices
Look around for cheaper utilities and insurance prices. There is no harm in seeing if you could save a few pounds by changing providers or bartering with your current providers.
Bt evaluating ways of saving money will hopefully save you a few pounds which you can either invest back in your business or put aside for a project.