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Managing whole group behaviour

Different behaviour management methods

Recently here at EYC we have had a lot of practitioners getting in touch asking for support and advice in handling group behaviour and behaviour management. A common complaint at the moment seems to be the general behaviour of a whole class/group/room of children rather than just one or two children with behavioural issues. This can be for many different reasons but it is important for the welfare of the children and practitioners that the group behaviour is quickly brought back under control and that the children are behaving in a way that is beneficial to their development. Some of the reasons that a whole group of children may have begun misbehaving include:

Managing group behaviour

When a whole class or group of children are not behaving in the ways they should this can cause a massive amount of stress for practitioners and it can become a disruptive learning environment children meaning they are not getting the play and learning opportunities they need. Here are some helpful tips and links you might like to try to restore some order to a disruptive group.

Do you have any other techniques which have worked well?

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